About us

In 2018, I created a little shop. Looking back, I've been creating funny mugs and tees for as long as I've lived. I just didn't know I was doing it until I looked back! Back then, the shop was called The Quirky Store and it was initially going to import stuff that you can't buy here in SA but that is just fuckery, until the post office sorts its shit out, we found out we can not play in China.

We also aren't quirky people. We're trashy. We love wearing shirts with swear words on them. Not all of our shirts are trashy, some are curse free but I'm a sweary motherfucker and I want to create a beautiful tribe full of sweary motherfuckers. My big wet dream is we all form a sweet ass gang who aren't afraid to say what we mean and mean what we say.

The world may not be ready for us but some of you are. Welcome. We love you. We really do.

Now buy something, FFS. I have a bond to pay and dogs to feed.

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